Thou Alone

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VIBRATION 5: Numerology + Melodic Incantation

what does the vibration
5 mean?

The number 5 holds the vibration of personal freedom, the unconventional, adaptability, motivation, changes, and the five senses.

Other traits and characteristics of this number include curiosity, choice, sociability, expansion, release and surrender, investigation, vitality, healing and magnetism.

This vibration reminds us to make thoughtful positive life choices and decisions. It also highlights learning and integrating the life lessons we learn from our experiences.

The shadow of the vibration 5 can manifest as being irresponsible, rash, inconsistent, thoughtless, restless and afraid of routine and change. As the number 5 is the number of freedom, there is a ‘thrill and adventure’ seeking undertone which can create drama and chaos if we are dysregulated.

There is potential for over-indulgence and impulsiveness but there is also potential for incredible progress, growth and pivotal change.

It is the energy that thrives in variety, passion, change and progression.

Five energy corresponds to the planetary bodies of Mars and Jupiter, the colour blue and The Hierophant Tarot Card.

By arming ourselves with independence, self-awareness, mindfulness and innovation, The vibration 5 influence can act as a sort of chrysalis: presenting us with an abundance of opportunities for growth, change and learning through experience and awareness.

This vibration emphasises that true freedom comes from self-liberation, to initiate changes and creating freedom from action.

It also calls for confronting the shadow self and facing any conflicts head on rather than fleeing or avoiding as this is where the real wisdom resides. It is supporting us to channel creativity with innovation and adventure - to share our stories, learn and teach from direct experience. In short, it is the vibration that encourages us to honour our inner visionary.


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Vibration 5 Melodic Incantation Thou Alone

For best results, please use headphones or an external speaker as my mixing skills have not yet mastered capturing the best sound via cellular device speakers. 

'Melodic Incantation' is the term I've coined for this body of work which is a sonic spell: using affirmation based lyrics of the Numerological themes.

I like to craft and curate to the energies of the Universal Month, choosing specific sounds, keys, protocols and techniques to induce a deep state of presence, flow and becoming attuned to the parts of ourselves which could benefit from some contemplation, care and consideration.

I wanted this Melodic Incantation to have an expansive and ethereal quality using my voice, the electric guitar, hella reverb, heavenly harmonies and some synths/pads to create a sonic remedy.

I chose the key of D major to set the tonal foundation of this Melodic Incantation. 

The key of D correlates to the sacral energetic centre - which governs our creativity, self-expression and where we store the shadows of guilt and shame. I've used this to represent connecting with our creative self, liberate any shadows stored in this energetic centre and to inspire action to making these changes.

I feel that the overarching theme of the Universal Month 5 resonate well with some of the healing properties of D major.

Some of the healing properties of D major (especially when used as a triad) include integrating the brain hemispheres, regulating the nervous system, clarity of consciousness, inner ear hearing and feeling strong. 

The vocal toning consists of the vowel sounds which correlate to the root, sacral, heart and crown energetic centres which is reflected and activated using the 'UHH', 'OOH', ‘AHH’  and 'EEE' sounds. 

The chord progression is i-v-vi-iv in the key of D major making it a D major, A major, B minor and G major chord. 

The harmonic intervals between this chord progression choice are deeply nourishing in a releasing way in a Sound Healing context.
The intervals between these chord progressions are a fourth, second + third.

In Sound Healing, a fourth interval is harmonic, grounding and brings us back to reality. 

A second interval is used for dissonance to disperse stuck, excess energy and to inspire creative thinking.

A third interval is also used to release in a more harmonious way, which also has the Sound Healing properties of motivation, focus and inspires action to achieve our goals by initiating change. 

I wanted the chord progressions to nurture, inspire and release any limiting beliefs, to inspire self-belief and motivation to keep pursuing our passions, actualise our purpose and conduct the inner shadow work to align us with our highest expression.

I listen out for life
sensing answers and advice
as opportunities arise
i invite the signs

My freedom comes From deep inside
From every corner of my mind
and when I start to question why
I recognise lessons of life 

- vocal toning -

I take wisdom in my stride 
using conflict as my guide
I reflect and make amends
sympathise and comprehend

My freedom comes From deep inside
From every corner of my mind
and when I start to question why
I recognise lessons of life 

- vocal toning -

I find power within choice
lead with kindness and with poise 
progress, maintain 
exploring great terrains 

unafraid to investigate 

My freedom comes From deep inside
From every corner of my mind
and when I start to question why
I recognise lessons of life 

I listen out for life
sensing answers and advice
as opportunities arise
i invite the signs

My freedom comes From deep inside
From every corner of my mind
and when I start to question why
I recognise lessons of life